Feel the Love

My Love Letter in a Box... For You.

I love that the month of February reminds us to take a moment to share love with the people who fill our hearts and lift our Spirits.  Whether you have a partner or not, I see it as an invitation, a reminder even, to love myself up just a little more... and to share love with the people I cherish.  I wrote our rituals for February's Spirit Kit with that energy in mind. 


It felt wonderful to dream up all the ways I wanted to love you up when thinking about this theme of cherishing ourselves or someone we love.

What are those things that make us feel cherished?

What do I do when I want to make myself feel special?

What steps can I take to release tension or stress that does not feel great inside my body?

Right here, from home, without having to go anywhere or do to more work to just say ahhhhhhh.....

For me, it starts with the breath.

If we can all remember to start with the breath, all will be well.

Start by lovingly setting the environment to nurture yourself for the moment to gently unfold.  First smudge the space to shift the energy and then ignite a Spirit candle to support the energy of self-care and relaxation.

Spirit Candles

I'm always inspired to create candles that feel like luxurious experiences, even before they're ignited. This month, I wanted it to be an even more intimate experience.

Our Charmed Candle greets you in soft blush tones to calm and soothe and it is infused with a precious Rose Quartz heart at its top. The beloved stone of Universal love is illuminated and permeates the air, every time you ignite it.

Then we layered in the sultry yet sweet scent of Black Cherry and Merlot to invite sophistication to classic black cherry. And aged it for a few weeks before releasing it to ensure the depth of scent.

This beauty features notes of black currant and apple that lift the red wine and black cherry heart of this fragrance. Aged oak and amber base notes highlight the merlot. Vanilla balances the sweet finish. Patchouli and nutmeg essential oils enhance the wood and spice notes for added depth. YUM.

Crystal Love for Grounding.

Pink Amethyst

This month, we're working with rare Pink Amethyst and Rose Quartz crystals. This was such a special treat, exactly what I felt is needed for support this month.

To Ground.

Choose the crystals that call to you. For me, if sitting it's usually one for each hand or laying down placed upon the heart center, solar plexus or any of the chakras I feel called that need support.

Sit or lay down comfortably in a place that feels warm, cozy, and loving... where you can feel nurtured as you focus on breathing to bring a calming energy to your soul and Spirit.

Indulge Your Senses.

Savor taking cleansing breaths in and out through the nose,
four (4) counts in, and eight (8) counts out...
If Tension is High...
Then, in through the nose and out the mouth the breath goes, with an intension of pushing out any energy that is uneasy and living our solar plexus or elsewhere in our bodies causing tension or stress.


Invite any stored energy to leave your body with each breath you take. 

Spirit Kits 

I create and curate Spirit Kits to align with the energy of present moment, as a seasonal reflection of the ever evolving unfolding of life's journey.

Each Spirit Kit is designed for you to take a moment to replenish your Spirit.

Artisan Hand-Craft. Designed with Intention. Made with Love.

In partnership with Mother Earth.

Delivered to Your Door.

Make some time for You this weekend.

You Are Cherished.

You Are Charmed.

You are Loved.

We are always with you in Spirit!

Many blessings & much love,